Sports Related Injuries

Sports Injuries

Injuries can occur anywhere in your body, and during any time of your training or competitive season.

Following a sports related injury, our goal is to go above and beyond getting you back to the competitive or recreational level you were at prior to your injury. We strive to construct an appropriate rehab program to make you stronger, more stable, and in an enhanced condition/ athletic state compared to how you were prior to injury. We do this by assessing not just your area of injury but evaluating how your body functions as a whole. We critically evaluate you in functional positions, and while performing sport specific movements and actions to improve the efficiency of your bio-mechanics, improve control with movement, and balance your strength so that compensation is not an issue once you have been discharged from Physical Therapy.

Future injury prevention & progressive strength conditioning will be a standard part of your care

Your program will be fun & innovative, but most importantly you will be at your best after seeing us! Treatments will be determined by evaluative findings.

Return to throwing programs
Return to running programs
Return to swimming programs
Return to tennis programs
Return to volleyball programs

Return to golf programs
Return to skiing programs
Return to gymnastics programs
Return to dance programs
Return to cycling programs

Get strong again!

Schedule now with an Avanti Therapy sports injury specialist from below, for a progressive strength conditioning program.
